Social Credit is back

The Social Credit Movement has its roots in aftermath of the Great War when Clifford Hugh Douglas, a Scottish engineer, published his major work, "Economic Democracy" in 1919.
Douglas' ideas about the equitable distribution of a nation's wealth came to fore during the Great Depression that followed the stock market crash in 1929 where a great number of people sank into poverty in spite of the fact that there was not a shortage of goods and services available. The slogan "poverty amidst plenty" described the situation well.
Social Credit seeks to eliminate an artificially created shortage in purchasing power by exercising the sovereign right of a nation to issue its own money and credit without borrowing it from anybody.
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Friday, February 19, 2010

What is Social Credit ?

The essence of the Social Credit Message is that we, the people, own the wealth we have created over many generations and we will not allow self appointed minority groups to take it away from us.

Access to that wealth, in modern society, is gained by the use of money and credit.
Therefore it is crucial that control of that money and credit remains in the hands of the people, and is not given to, or appropriated by, any special interest groups.
This principle is already embedded in the Canadian Constitution Act, but it is not being carried out by our parliament in Ottawa, even though it has the power to go ahead and do this as per Section 91 of the Constitution Act.
In Alberta, and Canada generally, public ownership of public utilities has been progressively transferred to privately owned corporations, many of whom are foreign owned.
Just like we have been deprived of the right to create our own money and credit, we have lost ownership rights of utilities such as communications and effective control of power generation and distribution, both of whom are vital to the health of a community.

Our elected representatives in both Edmonton and Ottawa have become the servants of large private corporations and are enacting legislation and laws to work in their favor, against our interests. Candidates with the best financial backing and media coverage invariably win elections, because most people are not engaged in the political process and are consequently prone to being manipulated.

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